How To Settle Into Your New Home

When you move into a new place, everything feels a little bit uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Mountain Realty Group wants to ensure your new place is all you dreamed it would be, so these tips will show you how to settle into your new home and truly make it feel like home.

Avoid Clutter
If you’re still in the process of packing up your current home, you might be wondering what to do with all of your clutter. After all, you don’t want your new place to be messy. The easiest way to declutter is to create a pile for items you want to keep, a pile for items you’ll be donating or selling, and a pile for items that will be tossed.

Deep Clean
Yes, your new house should have been cleaned before you moved in, but if you really want to make it sparkle, roll up your sleeves and spend a day or two deep cleaning each room. It’s best to do this before you completely unpack so that there is nothing in your way when you clean. Pay close attention to the kitchen and the bathroom. This is also a good time to take care of basic home maintenance tasks, like looking for leaks around toilets and sinks, testing the smoke detectors, and checking for drafty windows or doors that might need to be fixed by winter.

When you’re done, why not go the extra mile and make your house smell nice? Merry Maids suggests making your own scented spray to spritz around the house. You’ll only need a few ingredients: distilled water, vanilla extract, and a good-smelling essential oil like lavender, which you can get at Target for $6.99.

Time to Unpack
After spending so much time packing, you might be tempted to procrastinate on unpacking. However, leaving moving boxes lying around for weeks will become distracting and inconvenient.

You may not feel like unpacking right away, but the sooner you put everything in its proper place, the better! You don’t want to dig through random boxes and bags every time you need something, and getting all of your packing materials out of sight will make your house look much cleaner and more spacious. Alcova recommends unpacking items for your bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen first.

Personal Touches
Once everything is put away and your furniture is properly arranged, display your favorite trinkets in each room. Show off photos of you with your loved ones, as well as any homemade gifts or sentimental decor you brought from your old home. Make your living room a little brighter by picking up fresh flowers or having them delivered to your new abode.

Host Your Loved Ones
When you’re happy with the way your place looks, why not invite your loved ones over to see it for themselves? These days, even if you’re social distancing, you can invite them into your new place virtually. You’ll just need to get hooked up with a robust connection, then let the party begin!

Unpacking, arranging your furniture, and cleaning every nook and cranny of your new house can be exhausting – but when you get to step back and admire how you’ve spruced up your space, you’ll know that it was worth the extra effort. Making your space your own will reassure you that moving to a new place was the right decision.

Turn to Mountain Realty Group for all your real estate-related needs!
Image Source: Unsplash
Guest Writer: Katie Conroy